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Lou Crow

How to Germinate your Cannabis seeds


How long does it take to germinate marijuana seeds? Typically, it will take anywhere from a couple of days to up to a week to see your seeds start to turn into plants.

There are five basic germination methods that are popular. With any of these methods, remember that seeds will need adequate warmth, moisture, and air to germinate properly. Generally, cannabis seeds like a temperature of 70° F to 90° F for sprouting.


The paper towel method is a favorite for many home growers. Simply take two pieces of paper towel. Moisten them with water. Then place your pot seeds in between the two layers of moist paper towels. Put a plate or other object under the bottom towel to prevent moisture damage and another over the top towel to keep the seeds in a dark space. When you see the white taproot emerge from your seeds, they will be ready to transplant. Make sure to plant them taproot down.


Lots of folks like this simple, direct method. Simply soak your seeds overnight in a glass of lukewarm water. The next day, plant them directly in the ground, containers or wherever you plan to grow them.


This is an even more natural method than water soaking. Just plant your seeds 1/2 inch to one inch deep in soil or another medium that has been moistened. A key benefit of this technique is that your seedlings won’t be subject to transplant shock. Because they have grown up in their surroundings, they will have acclimated to them.


Some folks like to germinate their seeds in Jiffy Pots. You can buy these at nurseries and other places as little round disks. When you are ready to plant, just add water. They will expand into little individual soil pots you can use as a growing medium. Plant a seed or two in each pot, making sure to keep the pots moist. Once the plants sprout, you can transplant them in their Jiffy Pot to a container or to a raised bed or garden plot.


Also known as seed starters, germination stations are like mini greenhouses. They include a tray filled with soil and a heat pad underneath to keep the soil warm. A clear plastic cover on the top keeps the warmth in. You can make one of these at home or purchase one inexpensively at your local nursery or online.

Simply plant your pot seeds in the growing medium and let them grow. When they are big enough, transplant them to a place where they will grow to maturity and harvest.

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